Who said I'm alone in Lyon ? ...Cause actually I'm not XD
I was convinced at the beginning that I'll meet nice people here, my intuition was far from being wrong... I'm not bored as before, no longer feel alone. Thanks to you I've tried many things, I could laugh, and that what I especially missed here..ppl were telling me ' You lack sincerity in your smile'.. They don't make this remark anymore XD..
Anh Tuan :D THANK YOU ^^
TR Brand Jeans le 2010-12-22, 08:49:56 # (site)
True Religion Brand Jeans I loved his videos ..watch...hope yu like..
One day...Elise my room-mate suggested to go together to Annecy...a commune of the Rhône-Alpes region of southeast France...I really liked it ... I would like to visit it one more time ;)....
..Thanks to this day..I could come even closer to my room-mate...
...Thanks to our university...we could also have an opportunity to meet new friends...in the International Students Party..That was in the end of October if I remember well in `Le transbordeur` ...
I`m too thankful as I could meet new people and enjoy my time :) ...
...In university, outside also..I could meet some precious friends :)..haha particulary asians :D...They are nice, joyful and more friendly than frensh people I think...as I noticed from my daily life here...we had many amusing parties in their Students residence...It was really fun..
..What saddens me is the fact that they should leave to their homeland (Japan, taiwan..) after 2 weeks ...:( That means in Noël...
nyappysound le 2010-12-08, 00:46:24 # (site)
merci ^^
demonzorro le 2010-12-07, 12:56:33 #
J'aime la deuxieme photo
... It's time for my sister to return home ..I'm exposed to a new culture..new people..new habits.. it was quite good at the biggining :) .. I could experience many things alone..I felt responsable of myself... I had to do everything without the help of anyone...
I visited the city...Bellecour...Partdieu commercial centre...Vieux Lyon..`Tête d'Or` park..
I loved how the city is organised..beautiful..and people were pretty nice with me :)
I could Take this amazing picture ..:)
I was too escited before my travel to Lyon..but somehow I didn't want to go alone..my sister proposed then to accompagn me..First in France, we spent our first night there in my sisters step-parents in Pusignan..anyway we passed the first week in Lyon with them...
I learned how frensh people behave, how they think..it was too interesting to live with a frensh family...
My sister helped me a lot at first...I could have my bank acount..my university cards..my transport card as well.. and finally we found the place where I was supposed to live in throughout the year..it's a collocation..an apart shared with two frensh girls..at that time..I've met just Coralie..a very sympathic girl..The apart is located in the heart of the city.. I actually Liked the neighborhood.. There are many stores..we can find easily what we want..
such as ` Kimchi ``Shop in Lyon who offers food from South Korea and Japan. Products typically korean and japanese.. <3
* 紹介 *
こんにちは!わたくし は サラ です・18 さい・。モロッコ に 住んでいます、3 年 まえ に 日本語 を 勉強 しました、"リアル" の 学校 に。日本 の 文化 や 生活 が 好き でした から、 漫画 とドラマ を 見ったり、漫画 を かいたり しました。。。
Hey everybody, I'm Sara ..:) don't really need to present myself as I created this blog for my friends..I left my homeland 5 months ago..I moved from Morocco to France, exactly from Agadir to Lyon..So I taught it'll be useful if I created a personal blog, in which I post my daily life here..Thus, my friends can be aware of my life in France..Hope you're interested ..Hope you LIKE it ;)..
website designing company le 2013-10-02, 14:43:40 # (site)
I am very thank you to share this article, It’s very good,I hope you can share more, and I will continue to read, thanks!
nyappysound le 2011-01-03, 23:16:39 # (site)
Ill keep smiling
pioum le 2011-01-03, 22:52:58 #
Oh and I forgot to say one thing that I honestly think
Thank you
pioum le 2011-01-03, 22:48:37 #
I wasn't expecting to meet someone at this time of the year. So this was quite a surprise for me, and it still is

I do really enjoy, helping you to discovering things.
I really glad to hear that you can sincerly smile with me, it means a lot to me. So keep smiling that way as much as you can !